Cardinal Refer

Our manifesto

"Happiness is the settling of the soul in its most appropriate spot"
- Aristotle

At Refer, our passion is ignited when we witness someone thriving in their true calling. As Aristotle once remarked, happiness arises when one acts towards their excellence – Buffett investing, Picasso painting, Bolt running.

However, a glance at society reveals a stark contrast. The majority of the world's 8 billion people are not engaged in jobs that resonate with their core strengths or passions. This misallocation of human capital not only saps individual happiness but also hinders the collective progress of humanity, as fewer Picassos emerge.

Regrettably, for many, discovering one's ideal profession feels like a roll of the dice. Conversations with those who truly love and excel in their jobs often highlight the role of serendipity in their career paths.

While serendipity will always play a part in life's journey, we at Cardinal Refer are fervently dedicated to minimizing this element of chance. Billions go through life without ever tapping into their true calling; and as sad as someone alive who dies, is what dies inside someone alive. Cardinal Refer strives to allow every single individual to fulfill their professional potential in life.

Backed by

Peterson Ventures
J4 Ventures
Stanford Center for Social Innovation
Norte Ventures